Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Why cook, when ....

Cooking is ... evening tea and toast with family, hot porridge and fresh fruit for breakfast, seven course dinners and dirtying all the dishes :).

Why order .. when you can cook ;) .

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Garden Chronicles -1

A glimpse of some fruits in the house garden.

Succulent Custard Apples, the split in the grooves (notice the creamy texture of the grooves) is an indication that the apple has just about reached its full size and can be plucked in a day or two. Yummy :)

These are the Kalee Kayalu berries ( sorry I don't know the english name for this). When fully ripe and ready to be eaten these ruby red berries turn jet black. The flesh is a gooey sweet paste that can satisfy a kids sweet tooth and an adults seasoned taste bud.
The Kalee Kayalu shrub, when in full bloom you can see more red than green :) .

Guava fruit buds, these will take around 3-4 weeks to grow full size and a few more days to ripen.

( The battery of my D60 went dead before I could capture the other fruits in the garden, will keep you posted.)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The way forward :)

When your medical check up screams Anemia, fruit is just what the doctor would order.

With my mind set on greater variety and larger portions of fruit in my daily diet, what better fruit to start with than the Mango. The summer has begun to fade away, thinning along with it the supply of mangoes.

I however managed to get a few of the last of the lot - fresh from the farm, pluck ripe :) right off the tree.Fruit Today : Mango Almighty
