Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Stocking up .. fresh versus processed

Well stocked cabinets and refrigerator that get constant replenishment are signs of a kitchen well used.

Many factors prevent us from stocking up with the right ingredients:
As we cannot roll out our own pasta, we buy the ready to cook type. Lack of local cultivation of a ingredient would mean that you either buy 'not so fresh' produce flown in or you reach out for the preserved version. Time does not permit cooking, so we grab the microwavable ready to eat meals.

Despite wanting to eat fresh, processed food makes way to our daily diet.
Following some basic guidelines to choosing what food you buy can make all the difference between healthy, junk and harmful:
- Pick the brands known for hygienic and nutrient retaining processing
- Choose brands that use a minimum of artificial preservatives and colouring
- Always be aware of the nutritional value of the food that you pick (check for ingredient details on the packaging)
- Always shop from a hygienic store
- Always check the manufactured and expiry date ( avoid supermarket sales as although the items sold have not expired more often than not these are aimed at cleaning the stock - which means that you are not picking the freshest product out there)
- Be an educated customer, try and familiarise yourself with the various additives and their advantages and disadvantages.
- Finally if you are presented with a choice of fresh and processed, always.. ALWAYS choose fresh .

Now that you are better aware of how to pick your groceries - Happy stocking ;).

Grocery shopping - stocking up for all the cooking :).

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